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Intimo Warm Wax Banana 800ml
Intimo Warm Wax Banana 800ml contains essential vitamins for the skin, maintaining the integrity & elasticity of it.
Intimo Warm Wax Banana 800ml contains essential vitamins for the skin, maintaining the integrity & elasticity of it. The nutrients & antioxidants resotre the lost moisture & repair the damaged, dry & dull skin. Flaunt your natural glow with the essence of banana.
Skin types:
Recommended for all areas, ideal for dry & damaged skin.
Instructions for use:
Take off plastic lid and remove aluminium lid underneath. Replace plastic lid. Place Intimo Warm Wax Banana 800ml can in heater and turn thermostat on maximum setting for a quick melt. Ocassionally stir wax until proper consistency has been reached. Turn heater down to normal temperature. Clean the area to be waxed with pre-wax lotion. Apply wax in a thin layer in the direction of hair growth and remove with non woven hypoallergenic strips.
wait 1-2 seconds for the wax to cool and to ensure proper adhesion. Hold the skin taut and remove the wax with strip in one quick motion in the opposite direction of hair growth. After epilation, apply intimo after wax lotion to calm & sooth skin. Keep this product out of reach of children. Store in a cool and dry place away from heat and direct sunlight. For external use only. For professional use only.
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