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Fliss Skin Shiner 500ml
Fliss Skin Shiner 500ml reduces dryness, improves skin texture and enhances moisture absorption to get a refreshed and shining look.
Fliss Skin Shiner 500ml is a moisturizing liquid that effectively balances your skin fluids. It reduces dryness, improves skin texture and enhances moisture absorption to get a refreshed and shining look.
How to use:
Cleanse the area and apply Fliss Skin Shiner 500ml. Allow the mask to remain on the face for approximately 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly with cool water using fingertips only for a very cool treatment by refrigerating product and then applying.
Keep this product out of reach of children. Avoid contact with eyes. If contact with eyes occur, flush eyes immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Store in a cool and dry place away from heat and direct sunlight. For external use only.
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